Salmon Glacier

Friday, May 28, 2010

This photo shows some of the damaged roads we experienced on our drive from Whitehorse Yukon to Beaver Creek Yukon. Notice the guardrail in the distance, that is what the road looked like before they repaved. Most of the road was like a continuous whoop de doo. Our average speed through this strech was about 40 mph. We still have about 60 miles of rough road left. We cheated and followed a truck pulling a fifth wheel trailer. As the truck and trailer bounced up and down off of the ground, we slowed down to avoid the same fate.

This is a view of Kluane Lake in the Yukon. Pictures and words truly do not do it justice. The scenery is just unbelieveable.

I caught Dug scratching his behind on the rocks of Muncho Lake at our camp site. He was scolded and sent back to the RV .... Bad Dog.

Dug, seen here trying to make up for the previous days issues, is plotting our next days activities as we do laundry in Whitehorse Yukon. Ok, I forgive you Dug. :-)

On the way to Whitehorse from Dawson Creek, we saw this Mama Bear with her three cubs munching on grass at the roadside. Very cute.
We will post more photos in the next few days as 3G network becomes available. We have photos of Buffalo, Stone Sheep, Porcupine and others to share.
Thanks for looking,
Vern, Sue & Dug


  1. That is quite a road! Did Dug go out and play with the bears???

  2. We were told not to let your dog out near bears as they will chase your dog and if he runs back to you then you have a bear chasing you as well. so for now Dug can only watch from the window. :-(

