Salmon Glacier

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hi Everyone,
After much research on the difference between the black bear and the grizzly, Vern and I believe we've seen our first grizzly!! It was very exciting and the bear just stood there watching us watch him/her. Thank goodness it was a grizzly because if it was a black bear all the information on the black bear is, "if the black bear starts to charge you...stand your ground." Well we'll let you know how that works out. We'll check on the grizzly because maybe it's okay to run like hell!! :) The bear sighting was about 100 miles north of Whistler.

We have finally seen our first rest stop (and using it for the evening) since the Canadian border.

Tomorrow we'll be in Prince George. Between the reststop and Prince George we should have lots of opportunity to see wild life.

Welcome home Mom, glad everything with the surgery went well!! :)


  1. I hope you were using a powerful zoom lens! That seems pretty close to me!

  2. Trip looks great....even with that big brown thing looking at you! Have fun :)

  3. I like the new cover photo! Dug is a riot! Hard to believe he was panting in the snow. Great grizzly photo. Good thing you are in running shape Sue. I would recommend Vern just carry his gun.

  4. Hi Jerry,
    Today we bought 2 cans of bear spray. One in case I can't run and two in case vern can' run and/or shoot :) No actually we left all weapons at home. A friend told us Vern's gun would just piss the bear off!! Also, we heard the Canadians were checking vehicles for weapons and didn't want to take any chances. Sue

  5. Hi guys! Beautiful pictures! I'm not much for the cold weather although the picture of Dug is breathtaking. Keep posting, it's fun to live vicariously through our wealthy friends. :)

  6. Hi guys!!!!! My first post now that I'm back from my quick trip to the UK LOL!!(and I'm certain....or at least I think I'm certain....I won't infect you)
    The photos are beautiful and make me want to run right out and buy a motorhome of my own...and I guess someone to drive it!
    I am so happy to see you brought Dug along to stand guard and protect y'all. Nothing scarier than a barking dog to scare off lions and tigers and BEARS!!!
    So glad you are "blogging" and not clogging...much less dangerous and so much more enjoyable for us following along.
    I'm rambling with nonsense (long day) so will say good night for now and am anxious to see where Waldo and Ms. GPS takes you next!

