Salmon Glacier

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We left Prince George heading towards Dawson Creek knowing we would probably run into a lot of rain and maybe some snow.
About 100 miles from Dawson Creek we rain into light to moderate (does that sound familiar Fair workers!!) snow. No problem, but with the heavy snow we didn't see any wildlife.

Arrived in Dawson Creek and decided to stay at Walmart with the other (20) motorhomes. Very very cold. Today (5/23) Vern couldn't stand how dirty the motor home was and decided to take it for it's first bath.

This is the drive to Tumbler Ridge. It was partially sunny but still chilly (45 degrees). We wanted to go on a hike to see some prehistoric dinosaur tracks.

Of course Dug wanted to be the first one to see the dinosaur tracks. He also wanted to see how his paws matched up to theirs. In 2001 2 kids that were tubing down the river got out and stumbled onto the tracks. For you dinosaur buffs, they're ankylosaur tracks. They have found hundreds of these tracks.
We're staying another night at Walmart RV park. We've met a lot of nice people. The Canadians are very friendly. Vern usually has to come and get me as I'll be chatting away with the people inside the gas station or the laundromat!! We're heading to Fort Nelson in the morning. We're getting up early as we've heard that's the best time to see wildlife.


  1. The photos are GREAT... I'm jealous! Thanks for the phone call. Let me know if Stupid Larry, Stupid Howard and others have the blog link or should I hook them up?

  2. I sent them the blog site but because there not bloggers the may not know how to do it. You may want to check with them though. Thanks JoHn

