Salmon Glacier

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The adventure begins. Dug (our trusty mascot) taking his first photo at the beginning of our trip. More Dug photos to follow.

The first leg of our trip will take us to Vancouver British Columbia. From there we will begin exploring the must see parks and sites in Canada.

If you do not have an account to post a comment, please feel free to email us at

We should be able to add to this BLOG every few days with text and pictures.

Thanks for looking.

Vern & Sue


  1. Hey, am I first to comment? Are you almost there? Do you have a GPS tracker so we can watch you on the Internet? How fast ya going? What's the weather like? Can you switch drivers so you don't have to stop to pee? What happens if you run into a Canadian? Did you guys used to watch Dudley Doright? How many questions can I ask? Alright... enough nonsense. Have a GREAT adventure, and give Todd and Sarah my best if you see them.

  2. Hey guys! I'm glad that you're finally on the road. I hope you have a wonderful adventure and don't kill each other along the way. I need a full report as Jerry and I are considering long motorhome trips when we retire. I mean it; I need ALL the details. Does he leave his crap on the floor next to the bed so you have to step on when you make the bed? Does he put the toilet seat down or do you find yourself falling onto a hard plastic cylinder that leaves permanent marks on your behind? Does he get behind the wheel and all of the sudden think you're a short order cook that functions best while being tossed around while he makes sudden lane changes? Wait, this my life, not yours. Sorry! :) Have a great time!

  3. Squirrel!!

    Hope your first day on the road has been fun and adventurous! :o)

