Salmon Glacier

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just a quick note as we enter the Yukon Territory. We camped last night a Straberry Flats Provential Camp Ground. Dug found us a spot right on the lake. I will post photos in a day or two. We will be staying somewhere between Watson Lake, YT and Whitehorse, YT tonight. More info soon,
Thanks for looking,
Vern, Sue & Dug


  1. How's the RV holding up over the rough roads? Is Dug belted in during the trip or is he free to roam? Is it a pain to stop so he can go potty? Just curious!

    Am enjoying your Blog immensely...


  2. Hi Jerry,
    The motor home is holding up great (knock on wood). We no longer worry about any rattling noises (before if the screen door was making noise I would jump up and "stop"it). But from the books we have the last 150 miles to the Alaska border is hell because of the frost I might have more to tell later.

    Regarding Dug. He's such an awesome dog. Gets to roam around the motor home but prefers sitting in the front window so he can help spot wildlife. And....he only has to go the potty when we feel like taking him out for an adventure!!

    Glad you're enjoying the blog. We are too.

