Salmon Glacier

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 3

Dug making friends with the truckers!

The first ting I want to say is WELCOME HOME Britanie!! There is truly no place like home.

Well we finally made it to Washington state and stopped at a rest area just south of Olympia. The views of Mt. Hood, Mt. Ranier and Mt. St. Helens were awesome. We've been averaging about 400 miles a day but this will slow down when we get north of the Canadian border.

The right lanes of the I-5 freeway in California were horrible. More potholes and dips than I would expect to experience on the Alaskan Highway. The freeways in Oregon and Washington have been great so far (keeping our fingers crossed).

Well Dug has yet to see a squirrel, a few birds and a lot of bugs on the windshield though, but we are keeping an eye out.

More info later as the adventure continues.

Bye for now,

Vern & Sue


  1. Hey you need to watch Dug a little closer. It looks like he's about to get flattened by that semi! You guys aren't being chased are you? You're certainly in a hurry to get out of the U.S. Did you hit a few banks before you left to help finance this little adventure?

  2. Geeezzz Kathy...we were hoping no one would notice our quick departure!! We made it to Canada and the first people we spoke to were from Australia. Will write more about that adventure. Lets just say Ms. Garmin thought we should take our 8.5' wide, 37' long motorhome (with a car in tow) through the 9'wide streets of downtown Vancouver. :)

  3. That's so funny! The same thing happened to us when we went to Oregon. The google map program sent us through downtown San Francisco during rush hour in our motorhome while towing a car. It was not pretty but all we could do was laugh and keep driving. :)

  4. I'm so jealous! It looks like a great trip. Are you going to see the northern lights?

