Salmon Glacier

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Howdy everyone,
Well we finally made it to Fairbanks Alaska. 3,678 miles one way. Tomorrow we are going to drive to the Arctic Circle which is about 160 miles north of Fairbanks. We are going to drive Sue's CR-V there and leave the motor home behind. We were told the only thing there is a nice sign to take your picture next to (we will post our Arctic Circle photo in a few days) although the drive is beautiful.

We met a very nice couple (Andrew & Theresa) in Delta Junction Alaska. He is a retired Air Force soldier and she is a teacher. I will talk more about them in the next post, but suffice to say, they are a blast to hang out with and they will be going with us to the Arctic Circle.

We went to Chena Hot Springs today to soak in the natural hot pools. Other than the sulfer smell it was very relaxing. While there, we saw this old snowmobile from 1959. My how technology has changed.

Here is Dug soaking up the limelight with a shot of the sign and the official end of the Alaska Highway in Fairbanks.

As we drove in from the Canadian border we ran into delays because of a forest fire that was burning next to the highway near the town of Tok. We only had to wait about 30 minutes. As you can see from the photo above, that area of the forest was devastated. I'm sure Smokey Bear was in tears somewhere. We later found out there were 87 separate fires burning in Alaska. So far every day the sky have been partially obscured from the smoke haze.
Today was the clearest day so far.

Here Dug is trying to hold back his excitement as we approach the US-Canadian border into Alaska. Dug was slightly scolded for slobbering all over the windshield.
Here is a Trumpeter Swan we saw nesting about 30 foot from the road. This is one of the biggest birds I have ever seen (outside an ostrich). The male swan is just outside of the photo eating whatever they eat in the pond.

We spotted this porcupine scampering across the road in front of us so we slowed for the photo. As we slowed up near it, it raised up all of it's quills on his back in a defensive posture. Luckily we were in the motorhome taking the picture through a telephoto lens.

We found PaPa bear eating grass on the side of the road near Beaver Creek Yukon. This Black Bear was big. I am guessing it weighed at least 400lbs. By the way it was walking, I don't think anyone or anything would want to tangle with him, for sure not me.

We found this and a few other Buffalo grazing next to the highway outside Whitehorse Yukon. They are large as well (probably 1,000lbs) but they look friendlier that the bears.
Good-bye for now. Vern, Sue and Dug


  1. That picture of a buffalo looks like a postcard! What a great adventure! Is Dug scared of the big animals? Good thing he didn't get close to the porcupine! Miss you guys!

  2. Sue if I didn't know better I'd think you bought all those wildlife pictures at the local truck stop. Seriously is there a wild animal just waiting for the Hupps at every rest stop? Stop stalking the wild animals and keep driving. I miss you and you need to get your butt back home so we can workout together. Don is getting tired of my work stories.

