Salmon Glacier

Monday, May 24, 2010

Howdy fellow BLOGGER followers.
We left Dawson Creek (mile zero of the Alaskan Highway) this morning and drove 283 miles to Fort Nelson, BC. We had our first encounter with a moose. A baby moose jumped out of the tree line and right in front of our motor home. As Sue was yelling "LOOK OUT", I was jamming on the brakes. Sue, without missing a beat, was able to hang onto all the stuff she had in her lap, grab the camera and snap a few photos of the moose. After the moose ran out in front of the motor home, it turned and began running down the highway in front of us. After about 50 yards it decided it wanted nothing more to do with us and ran off into the trees. The look on its face was priceless.
About 50 miles later, we saw three moose grazing on the side of the highway. These were all adults and seemed to care less that we stopped and took there photos.
After arriving in Fort Nelson, we parked in an RV park, unhitched the car and drove around town. Pretty much everything in the town is closed due to the holiday. We decided to check out a local golf course and ended up playing 9 holes. We had a blast even though our scores were well above par. In other words very bad.
As we leave Fort Nelson in the morning, we will be traveling some remote stretches of the Alaskan Highway (gas stations are about 200 miles apart) and may not have cell service or 3G service for the Internet. So if you don't hear from us for 3 or 4 days don't worry.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and keep them coming.
Vern, Sue & Dug

