Salmon Glacier

Monday, June 14, 2010

You can click on the "Map" down button and select Satellite to see a satellite image of where we currently are.

GPS tracking powered by


  1. Hi Everyone, Sue here.....I would like to thank someone who will remain nameless, John, for putting the GPS idea in Vern's head :) I will now have to sleep with one eye open as I feel the next step will be me having a camera strapped to my head and you guys will be watching the Hupp's Adventure on Reality T.V.!!!
    Love Sue

  2. Sue I just read your comment and I actually think you might be on to something. After all you're retired now and any chance you can grab to make a few extra bucks is worth it, right? Some people (not me of course) would pay big bucks to see the Hupps in action.
    Keep it clean Sue!

