Salmon Glacier

Friday, June 25, 2010

Howdy Everyone,
I was finally able to figure out how to let anyone post a comment. You do NOT need a sign on to post, so please have at it. I have also place a reaction button for quick reaction comments. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Vern & Sue


  1. Thanks for figuring this out! WOW! Some great pictures! Looks like you guys are having a great time. Nothing new here - your house is still standing - and no moving vans - although we can't wait for them to show up at the clowns house! (I hope I don't jinx the move!) Take care - can't wait till you get home and show us all the pictures! God bless, Sue & Bill

  2. Bill & Sue,
    Thank you for the wonderful comment. We enjoy the comments as it is our only link to our followers out there. We will be posting more photos today of an overnight off road adventure we took with some friends we met up here. Hope everyone is well and thank you for keeping an eye on our house. We will d the hex dance for the clown.
    Vern & Sue

  3. Loved the video too. Kathy could not believe Sue would go on the ATV adventure and said something like, "They're crazy." I was bummed as I would love to do that when we are fortunate enough to retire. I hate to see your trip come to an end as I am taking copious notes. Be careful!

  4. First of all you know me Sue, and rustic is a Holiday Inn, not a honey pot! I bet there wasn't even a mirror to apply make up. I'm glad you two are having fun. I'm having plenty of fun reading about it. In fact I'm enjoying reading about it so much that I never will have to actually do it. :) Miss you! Kathy

