Salmon Glacier

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 23

(You can click on picture for a larger view)
We arrived at Denali National Park and we were out walking around our camp site and ran across a mama and baby moose. The baby was so cute and mom was about 7' tall!! This was about 25' from us.

Tomorrow (Saturday) we're heading deep into the National Park. It's a four hour bus ride (there are ones that go further) to the ranger station and we'll do some hiking there. It's supposed to rain so we're hoping that the cool weather will bring out the wildlife. The last bus ride back to camp is at 11:00 p.m......hey at least it will be light outside.

We drove 4.5 hours to get to the Arctic Circle. If we wanted to continue on to Prudhoe Bay (Arctic Ocean) it would have been another 225 miles. A total of 414 miles one way from Fairbanks. We were so sore and stiff from riding the unpaved roads that we decided the Arctic Circle was far enough....for now :) The mosquito's were terrible here. The bug spray helped, but I think some of the "no see ums" got us! This is the road we spent 4.5 hours on. Some of it was paved, but with the frost heaves it was actually smoother to ride on the gravel/dirt/muddy road. You should have seen my car. We had mud from the windows down. The people on the tour buses were staring at our car wondering if we had been out 4-wheeling.

Talk to everyone soon, Love Sue, Vern and Dug

1 comment:

  1. I am still very jealous. Sounds like you guys are having an awesome time. Please keep posting those excellent photos and be safe!

