Salmon Glacier

Friday, June 18, 2010

Homer and Soldotna

Hi everyone,

We just spent the last week in the towns of Homer and Soldotna on the Kenai Penunsula. Believe it or not I was able to get Sue in a sea kayak. We had a guide and spent all day Kayaking in and around a place called China Poot Bay. We only took a few photos because of the wet conditions. We had a great time and didn't flip it once. We explored tide pools and saw every kind of sea creature that inhabits the shores. We will post again in a few days as our next stop is Seward. Hope everything is well with all.
Talk to you soon,
Vern & Sue

This is Sue: If you can believe it, I would love to do it again!! Hopefully we'll have another opportunity in Seward or Valdez. If I see a Killer or Gray whale....that could end my enthusiasm for sea kayaking :)

This is the only photo of us Kayaking, as usual Dug is trying to hog the picture, but as you can see by the smile on his face, he had a wonderful time too.

Here is Dug again, thinking he has a seat all to himself. Sorry Dug, but you get to ride in my lap.

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