Salmon Glacier

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hi Everyone,
After leaving Skilak Lake area (and frantically looking for bear - with no luck) we headed to Seward. On the way there we stopped at Exit Glacier to see the glacier and hike around. After seeing the Glacier we stopped by this couple who were looking up into the hills. Vern asked, "do you see anything?" The woman said a bear but I can't find her. With Vern's eagle eyes he spied the grizzly bear. He told the woman and she said, "oh no it's just a rock!" Vern said, "well that's one big moving rock." With our binoculars we could clearly see a very large (4-5 foot shoulder height) grizzly bear with her two cubs. For the next mile we would just stop and watch her and the kids. Whenever you stop and you're looking up, everyone wants to know what you're looking at. In that mile we probably showed 25 people the bears, it was awesome. The best part was a park ranger walked up and asked casually, "oh have you seen any bears." We said, "yes." She looked surprised and when we showed them to her she was so excited and said it was her first grizzly sighting this year!! After that Vern and I volunteered to be Park Rangers....hee hee just kidding.

But I don't know how to explain how excited we were to see a mama grizzly and her two cubs just romping around on the hill side. Unfortunately they were too far away to get a picture. We were at the perfect distance to see a grizzly and 2 cubs though.

We're leaving to go on an all day catamaran trip to see some water wildlife!!

Love Sue, Vern and Dug

Us by the Exit Glacier.

This is a view of Exit Glacier. Once we arrived at the base we could take the one mile walk and be right next to the Glacier.

This is a view where the Glacier use to be. This valley area was all covered about 200 years ago.

This is Skilak Lake where we camped for 2 days. We were on a hike to see bears and the Skilak Glacier...unfortunately we didn't see either. It was a little over 4 mile hike.

These are a pair of Red Faced Cormorants. We saw them in Homer. Very rare that you would see these birds nesting and there were 3 pairs. They have beautiful green feathers down their back.

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